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Zombi team Lecture

Time: 2019-09-19 10:05:11
HCAS, Chennai

Zombi team Lecture

School of Media Studies HCAS hosts Zombi team Lecture

Padur 18/9/19

The School of Media Studies of HCAS organized a guest lecture by the Director Cinematographer and Editor of Zombi Tamil movie along with one actor Bijli Ramesh of that movie in its campus today The HODS of all three streams of Electronic Media Visual Communication and MA Journalism and Communication along with all their students and Mr. M.P.Prabhu Media and Communication officer of the college participated.

It started with prayer and AV of Department of media studies, Dr. KCG Verghese International Film Festival and Zombi movie were played

Mrs. B Saranya HOD viscom while welcoming the Zombi team it is a great occasion to be here as Zombi is a brand new media and the makers have much to share She welcomed all Mr. R BhuvanNallan Director Mr. VishnuShri Cinematographer Mr. Dinesh Ponraj editor and Mr. Bijili Ramesh actor saying students will gain insights from their speeches

The media and communication officer of the college Mr. MP Prabhu while introducing the film  spoke film industry is changed and future of films remain different now.  Many films are released and run for one week or so but audiences decide success or failure.  He said Zombi is a horror comedy genre and it is interesting to watch and he thanked film makers to come here to college after taking a break from their busy schedules.

Dr. K. Ebiraj HOD Electronic media and organizer of this lecture said actually it was one his student who told the director or crew of Zombi is relative of his and asked whether we can have them in our college for a lecture and he said in affirmative He contacted them after sometime the crew agreed he said and introduced guests

Mr. Bijli Ramesh the actor said he came to HCAS last year and this his second visit to campus and he was made to act in this film and said movies are interesting but people need to go to theatres to watch and don’t watch on mobiles and said people to encourage movies

Mr, Dinesh Ponraj Editor thanked for being invited to attend and said editing scenario has changed and it is more technology oriented and answered queries of students

Mr. VishnuShri cinematographer is a film institute product worked under Balasubramaniam in many movies as Rajni Murugan said interest in photography and moving image helps well in cinematography and said interest and motivation are important

Director BhuvanNullan said he being an engineering graduate of Jeppiar college did one year of Viscom course in Loyola and ended up in films after a stint with a director and said motivation and personal interests are important and narrated Zombi movie and how it was done and answered Lots of questions of students 

Mr. S, Ganesh Faculty media studies proposed a vote of thanks thanking everyone for making this occasion  a success.

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